Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ready to get back on track?

T'was the week after Christmas, and all through the house….
Everyone was BLOATED, including the spouse!
Sweet tooth hang-overs, and a big aching tummy….
Not surprising to hear after eating those yummies!
Alas you have knowledge of the ARBONNE way
To make you feel better in just a few days!
Your favorite products so easy to make,
Why eat more junk, instead have a shake!
Tea, Fizzies and protein - two clean meals a day
Stuff's on SALE RIGHT NOW so there will be less to pay!
All programs begin in JANUARY
Call your Arbonne gal; she's jolly and merry
Together we'll get you back to feeling like YOU
And your skinny jeans will fit WAAAY better too!!!

It's time to treat yourself right! I'm offering the full detox package for 50% off through December 31st at 5pm MST. This is a deal you do not want to pass up!

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